
@The Yonezawa Higher Technical School, the predecessor of the Faculty of Engineering, established in 1910, was one of eight Technical Schools constituted in the late Meiji Period, when it was necessary to make quantitative and qualitative progress in domestic technology instead of only receiving foreign technology.
Yamagata University was founded in 1949 by the National School Establishment Law. The Yonezawa Higher Technical School had been renamed the Yonezawa Engineering College, which was one of the new University cores as the Faculty of Engineering. At the beginning, the Faculty had four departments: Textile Technology, Applied Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. New departments were added to discipline technicians to keep up with social and economic changes, and to meet the social necessity resulting from the development of science.
In 1983 the Department of Information Engineering was opened. The Faculty developed into a large-scale one with nine major departments, a department of Basic Technology, a research laboratory and the Graduate School.
In 1990 departments and chairs were reorganized into larger comprehensive ones, so that they could answer the social needs brought about by recent remarkable progress in technology, and advanced, complex sciences. Doctor's Program was added to the Graduate School in April 1993 to train creative, adaptive, active technicians and scientists to lead the 21st century.


‚Q History of the predecessor

Mar. 1910
The Yonezawa Higher Technical School is established, composed of two Departments: Dyeing and Weaving (the Dyeing Division and the Weaving Division), and Applied Chemistry.
Mar. 1913
The Department of Machinery is added.
May. 1913
Two Divisions of the Dyeing and Weaving Department are reorganized into the Department of Dyeing and the Department of Weaving.
Mar. 1922
The Department of Electricity is added.
Mar. 1939
The Department of Communication Engineering is added.
Mar. 1942
The Department of Machine Tools is added.
Apr. 1944
Renamed the Yonezawa Engineering College (Reorganized into four Departments: Machinery, Chemical Industry, Electricity, and Electrical Communication)
‚P History of the Faculty of Engineering
May. 1949
Yamagata University is founded.
Four Departments are established in the Faculty of Engineering: Textile Technology (40 students), Applied Chemistry (40), Mechanical Engineering (40) and Electrical Engineering (50). Total freshmen enrollment: 170.
Apr. 1954
Junior College of Engineering is added.
The Non-degree Graduate Course of Engineering is opened.
Apr. 1958
The Department of Chemical Engineering is established (40 students). Total freshmen enrollment: 220 (Increasing by 10 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering).
Apr. 1959
The Textile Production Research Laboratory is attached. Total freshmen enrollment: 240 (Increasing by 20 in the Department of Electrical Engineering).
Apr. 1961
The Department of Precision Engineering (40 students) is added. Total freshmen enrollment: 280
Apr. 1963
The Department of Electronic Engineering (40 students) is added. Total freshmen enrollment: 300 (Decreasing by 20 in the Department of Electrical Engineering).
Apr. 1964
The Non-degree Graduate Course of Engineering is abolished.
Apr. 1965
The Department of Polymer Chemistry (40 students) is added. Total freshmen enrollment: 340.
Opening of six chairs for Basic Technology is completed.
Apr. 1967
Enrollment increases in these four Departments: Textile Technology (20), Chemical Engineering (20), Electrical Engineering (10), and Mechanical Engineering (10). Total freshmen enrollment: 400.
Apr. 1968
Enrollment increases in the following Departments: Applied Chemistry (20), Electronic Engineering (20), and Precision Engineering (20). Total freshmen enrollment: 460.
Apr. 1969
Total freshmen enrollment: 480 (Increasing by 20 in the Department of Polymer Chemistry).
Apr. 1973
The Department of Textile Technology is renamed the Department of Textile and Polymer Technology.
Apr. 1976
The Textile Production Research Laboratory is renamed the Macromolecular Research Laboratory.
Apr. 1983
The Department of Textile and Polymer Technology is renamed the Department of Polymer Materials Engineering.
The Department of Information Engineering is added (40 students).
The Evening course is opened, composed of five Departments: Polymer Materials Engineering (10 students), Applied Chemistry (30), Mechanical Engineering (30), Electrical Engineering (30), and Information Engineering (20). Total freshmen enrollment: 640.
Apr. 1985
23 students are transferred to the 3rd year of the Evening course.
Oct. 1985
Junior College of Engineering is abolished.
Apr. 1986
Freshmen enrollment temporarily increases by 60. Total freshmen enrollment: 700. Number of transfer students to the 3rd year: 23.
Apr. 1990
Department Reorganization: Nine Departments - Polymer Materials Engineering (6 chairs), Polymer Chemistry (5), Applied Chemistry (7), Chemical Engineering (5), Mechanical Engineering (7), Precision Engineering (5), Electrical Engineering (7), Electronic Engineering (5), and Information Engineering (6), - and the Department of Basic Technology (6 chairs) are reorganized into 3 major Departments - Materials Science and Engineering (6 groups), Mechanical Systems Engineering (3), and Electrical and Information Engineering (5) - and the Department of Basic Technology (1).
Freshmen enrollment: Materials Science and Engineering: 285 (the Day course: 230, Temporarily-increased enrollment: 10, the Evening course: 40, Temporarily-increased enrollment: 5), Mechanical Systems Engineering: 158 (the Day course: 120, Temporarily-increased enrollment: 5, the Evening course: 30, Temporarily-increased enrollment: 3), and Electrical and Information Engineering: 277 (the Day course: 190, Temporarily-increased enrollment: 25, the Evening course: 50, Temporarily-increased enrollment: 12). Total freshmen enrollment: 720.
Apr. 1996
5 groups of the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering are reorganized into 6 ones. Enrollment decreases in these two Departments (Temporarily-increased enrollment): Materials Science and Engineering (5), and Electrical and Information Engineering (5). Total freshmen enrollment: 740.
The Macromolecular Research Laboratory is abolished.
Apr. 1997
Enrollment decreases in these two Departments (Temporarily-increased enrollment): Materials Science and Engineering (5), and Electrical and Information Engineering (5). Total freshmen enrollment:730.
Apr. 1998
Enrollment decreases in these two Departments (Temporarily-increased enrollment): Materials Science and Engineering (3), and Electrical and Information Engineering (7). Total freshmen enrollment: 720.
Apr. 1999
Enrollment decreases in these two Departments (Temporarily-increased enrollment): Materials Science and Engineering (5), and Electrical and Information Engineering (15). Total freshmen enrollment : 700.
Apr. 2000
At Department of Materials Science and Engineering (6 groups) is divided into Dept. of Polymer Science and Engineering (3) and Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (3). Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (6) is divided into Dept. of Electrical Engineering (2), Dept. of Informatics (2) and Dept. of Bio-System Engineering (2). Freshmen enrollment for these departments; Polymer Science and Engineering 125 (the Day course 115, the Evening course 10), Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 145 (115, 30), Electrical Engineering 105 (85, 20), Informatics 100 (80, 20), Bio-System Engineering 70 (60, 10), Enrollment decreases in these two Departments (Temporarily-increased enrollment): Mechanical Systems Engineering (5) and Electrical Engineering (5). Total freshmen enrollment: 690.
Apr. 2007
Evening course freshmen enrollment : 80. Enrollment decreases : Polymer Science and Engineering (10 students), Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (5), Mechanical Systems Engineering (5), Electrical Engineering (8), Informatics (9), and Bio-System Engineering (3). The incorporation into third grad in Evening course is abolished.

‚P History of the Graduate School

Apr. 1964
The Graduate School of Enigineering (Master's program) is established.
(Courses: Textile Technology (10 students), Applied Chemistry (8), Mechanical Engineering (8), Electrical Engineering (10), and Chemical Engineering (8)). Total first year enrollment: 44.
Apr. 1965
The Course of Precision Engineering (8 students) is added. Total first year enrollment: 52.
Apr. 1967
The Course of Electronic Engineering (8 students) is added. Total first year enrollment: 60.
Apr. 1969
The Course of Polymer Chemistry (8 students) is added. Total first year enrollment: 68.
Apr. 1970
Total first year enrollment: 72 (Increasing by 2 in the Course of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering respectively).
Apr. 1971
Total first year enrollment: 78 (Increasing by 2 in the Course of Applied Chemistry, Precision Engineering, and Electronic Engineering respectively).
Apr. 1972
The Course of Textile Technology is renamed the Course of Textile and Polymer Technology.
Apr. 1973
Enrollment increases by 2 in the Course of Polymer Chemistry. Total first year enrollment: 80.
Apr. 1987
The Course of Information Engineering (10 students) is added. Total first year enrollment: 90.
The Course of Textile and Polymer Technology is renamed the Course of Polymer Materials Engineering.
Apr. 1993
Course Reorganization: 9 courses - Polymer Materials Engineering (6 chairs), Polymer Chemistry (5), Applied Chemistry (7), Chemical Engineering (5), Mechanical Engineering (7), Precision Engineering (5), Electrical Engineering (7), Electronic Engineering (5), and Information Engineering (6) - and the Department of Basic Technology (6) are reorganized into Master's Program composed of 3 major Courses with 14 groups - Materials Science and Engineering (6 groups), Mechanical Systems Enngineering (3), and Electrical and Information Engineering (5). Total first year enrollment: 126.
Doctor's Program is added, composed of 2 major courses: Materials Science and Energy Engineering(5 chairs) and Systems and Information Engineering (4). Total first year enrollment: 17.
Apr. 1996
The program of Human Sensing and Functional Sensor Engineering - the independent course with 5 groups - is added. Total first year enrollment for Master's Program 145, for Doctor's Program 17.
Apr. 1998
Enrollment increases in these three Courses: Materials Science and Engineering (26), Mechanical Systems Engineering (13), and Electrical and Information Engineering (26). Enrollment Decreases in these two Courses: Materials Science and Energy Engineering (2), and Systems and Information Engineering (2). Total first year enrollment for Master's Program 210, for Doctor's Program 25.
Apr. 1999
The Graduate School of Engineering is renamed the Graduate School of Science and Engineering.
5 Courses are added in Master's Program : Mathematical Sciences (2 chairs), Physics (2), Material and Biological Chemistry (2), Biology (2), Earth and Environmental Sciences (2). 5 groups of the program of Human Sensing and Functional Sensor Engineering are reorganized into 6 ones. The Courses is added in Doctor's Program : Interactive Symbiosphere Sciences (3). Enrollment increases by Master's program 2, by Doctor's program 1 in the Course of PIuman Sensing and Functional Sensor Engineering. Total first year enrollment for Master's Program 268, for Doctor's Program 32.
Apr. 2000
Enrollment increases 1 in these two courses: Biolog. and Interactive Symbiosphere Sciences, Total first year enrollment for Master's Program 269, for Doctor's Program 33.
Apr. 2004
Master's Program reorganization : 2 courses - Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (6 groups), Electrical and Information Engineering (5) are reorganized into Master's Program composed of 5 major courses - Polymer Science and Engineering (3), Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (3), Electrical Engineering (2), Informatics(2), and Bio-System Engineering (2). Freshman enrollment for Master's Program 269 and for Doctor's Program 33.
Apr. 2005
The course of Management of Technology (MOT) is added in Master's Program.
Apr. 2007
The course of Organic Device Engineering is added in Master's Program. The 2 courses of Management of Technology (MOT) and Organic Device Engineering are added in Doctor's Program. Freshman enrollment for Master's Program 314 and for Doctor's Program 33.