2020-2022 山形大学 テクニカルシーズ

14内 容 有機半導体デバイスの分野は、現在、総合サイエンスとなりつつあります。私達の研究室では、有機光化学と有機材料化学に基づく精密分子設計、量子化学計算、有機合成、有機半導体デバイス開発の一連のフィードバックサイクルにより、超高性能有機半導体群と超省エネルギー型有機電子デバイスの開発を行っています。単にデバイスの性能を追求するだけでなく、創出した独自の分子の潜在能力を100%引き出すことを目指しています。自発的に分子が並び、電荷を運ぶスピードを格段に向上させたり、複数の分子で特別な光電子機能を発現する高次構造体を組み上げる現象に興味を持っています。最近では、計算機化学や機械学習も積極的に取り入れ、要求性能を入力すれば、分子構造を提案してくれる「逆設計」にも取り組んでいます。アピールポイント 学生さん達と生みだした独自の有機分子群をつかって、有機半導体デバイス分野の新しいサイエンスを切り拓き、世の中に貢献したいと思っています。デバイス関連化学有機合成化学、有機半導体デバイス分 野専 門E-mail ・ h-sasabe@yz.yamagata-u.ac.jpTel ・ 0238-26-3924Fax ・ 0238-26-3052HP ・ https://oled.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/index.htmlThe focus of our group is on flow phenomena in soft materials with Contentan emphasis on the dynamics and rheology of entangled polymers. We use computer simulations and analytical theory with vital input in the  The focus of our group is on flow phenomena in soft materials with an emphasis on the dynamics and rheology form of questions, motivation and reality check from experiments. The of entangled polymers. We use computer simulations and work is relevant for improving industrial polymer processing and for analytical theory with vital input in the form of questions, solving problems that arise during production. In addition, we are motivation and reality check from experiments. The work is investigating the processing of polymer multilayers by first exploring relevant for improving industrial polymer processing and for the shear-induced slip at a polymer/polymer interface and its effect on solving problems that arise during production. In addition, we are investigating the processing of polymer multilayers the adhesion between the immiscible polymer layers.by first exploring the shear-induced slip at a polymer/polymer interface and its effect on the adhesion between the immiscible polymer layers. One long term goal of our group is to understand macroscopic flow phenomena from a molecular point of view, i.e., in terms of the individual and collective dynamics of the molecules. Towards this end, we are pursuing a hierarchical approach using various models to span the entire range of length and time scales in polymeric materials. The models include different levels of detail depending on the size and time scale, see figure. Establishing the relationship between the models, we hope to use the hierarchy to improve existing technologies and to design Yamagata Universitynovel materials and processing routes. Graduate School of Organic Materials Science Research Interest : Soft MaterialsYamagata University Graduate School of Organic Materials ScienceE-mail : sathish@yz.yamagata-u.ac.jpReseach InterestSoft MaterialsTel : +81-238-26-3056One long term goal of our group is to understand macroscopic flow phenomena from a molecular point of view, i.e., in terms of the individual and collective dynamics of the molecules. Towards this end, we are pursuing a hierarchical approach using various models to span the entire range of length and time scales in polymeric materials. The models include different levels of detail depending on the size and time scale, see figure. Establishing the relationship between the models, we hope to use the hierarchy to improve existing technologies and to design novel materials and processing routes.Fax : +81-238-26-3411E-mail ・ sathish@yz.yamagata-u.ac.jpTel ・ +81-238-26-3056Fax ・ +81-238-26-3411Associate Professor Sathish K. Sukumaran分子の潜在能力を引き出し、超高性能な有機電子デバイスをつくる准教授 笹部 久宏キーワード[ 有機EL、有機合成、光化学、計算機化学、超分子化学 ]Dynamics and rheology of soft materialsDynamics and rheology of soft materialsAssociate Professor Sathish K. Sukumaran

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